US to Australia: Here’s How to Prepare for Your Flight


Traveling is an experience unlike any other. When one visits a new country, they are not just reaching a destination. They are immersing themselves in the atmosphere and culture of an entirely new place. The sights to see, the food to eat. All of these things are unique to one’s destination. They serve to expand your horizons as few other experiences can. That’s why travel is such an important part of a person’s life. The only problem, however, is that sometimes the actual traveling can be the worst part of your trip. When you’re stuck on a plane for upwards of 20 hours, keeping yourself entertained can be a real chore. Whether it’s a plane’s oppressive atmosphere or the constant threat of becoming stir-crazy. When you’re up in the air, keeping it together becomes your full-time job. But fret not! Because we have compiled an amazing guide that will teach you not only how to prepare for your flight but to put yourself in a position where flying can become a relaxing day off. So without further adieu, let’s check out some of the best ways you can prepare for your long-distance flight!

A Trip to the Movies

Is there a tv show or movie series that you’ve been wanting to catch up on? Have you ever been so busy that you didn’t even notice your favorite show just came out with a new season? We’ve all been there. Thankfully a long plane ride is a perfect place where you can catch up on all of the films and television you may have missed, without feeling guilty. Due to several societal pressures, when we sit down to watch something. It’s normal to feel like we’re not making good use of our time. The current cultural climate tells us that if we are doing anything with our free time that doesn’t involve a side hustle or a constant flurry of activity; then we are effectively wasting it. Whatever side you may fall on this issue, the fact remains that when you’re stuck in a metal tube flying several miles in the air. You are afforded the perfect opportunity to watch all of your favorite crime dramas or superhero flicks with a clear conscience! Just make sure you bring a charger so your device can last the whole plane ride. 

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A Well Packed Backpack

Speaking of chargers, when you’re gearing up for a long plane ride one of the most important parts of the packing process is to make sure that your backpack is well-equipped for your journey. This means that you want to make doubly sure that you have everything you could need for a trans-national voyage ready and accessible just in case you may need it. This can include a great number of items, but for this article, we’ll focus on a broader perspective of things that will help specifically while you’re on your flight. First, you should bring chargers for all of your devices. In our modern world, people need to be able to contact you, and depending on if your plane has wifi onboard, this can include during your flight. Having enough chargers to make sure you stay within reach is a smart and safe decision while traveling. So that you may remain in touch with your friends, and family. Secondly, you may want to consider getting a multi-tap for the outlet on your seat. While most modern planes have multiple outlets and USB ports for your devices, many planes still only feature one outlet per seat. In these situations getting a multi-tap for your single outlet could mean the difference between being entertained for your whole flight, or having to pick and choose what devices you can use. Since you’re traveling internationally remember to bring an outlet adapter as well. Many countries use different formats for the plugs on their electrical outlets. If you don’t want to be left in a foreign country without your phone, then making sure you have the proper outlet adapter for the country you’re traveling to is essential. Next let’s move on to comfort, on these long plane rides you must get your rest. Packing your backpack with a neck pillow is a great way to support your neck and your head so you can get that rest! Now, we’ve been through some of the items you can bring with you to help your comfort level while you’re traveling. Let’s look at some of the things you can have ready for when you arrive at your destination!

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Lose the Luggage

When you’re traveling a long way, it’s important to have a few things prepared for you in the country that you’re visiting. The first thing that any traveler should do, is book your hotel. Making sure you have a place to get off your plane and make home base is tantamount to the enjoyment of your trip. You don’t want to be scrambling to find an open hotel after you’ve been on a plane for 21 hours. Now, say you have your hotel booked but there’s a gap time between when you arrive at the airport and when you’re allowed to check-in. What is one supposed to do if they don’t want to have to lug around their luggage all day? Easy! Just search luggage storage in Sydney and find a safe and affordable place where you can drop off your luggage for the day. Then when your hotel is ready for you, simply pick up your luggage and journey to your destination!


International travel is a truly special thing. It allows someone to view their lives with a whole new perspective. This is a profound experience that can shape the course of someone’s journey forever. That’s why when you’re traveling you don’t want to be caught up by the small stuff. Making sure you have reliable access to your devices, that your backpack is packed and prepared, and that you have a home base ready for you when you land is what will alleviate the stress of travel so that you can spend your time enjoying yourself! 

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